The Light of His Life

James Bauer

Here’s what it feels like to a man when he first falls in love with a woman.  He feels happy.  His happiness flows naturally from expectations of something wonderful in his future.  He feels more connected with the world, even when she’s not around.  His mind is compartmentalized, so he sometimes gets so engrossed in his work that he is literally surprised by the joyful emotions that erupt for a few seconds each time something reminds him of you during the course of his work day.
If he continues down this road, the euphoria of love makes him start to adore everything about you. 

The edges of your lips, your neckline, the tone of your voice, everything about you starts to seem perfect and magical.  He begins to fantasize about kissing you before his boss snaps him out of it in the middle of a meeting.

This all sounds pretty close to what you would expect so far, right?  Well, what happens next may seem a little odd.  All those positive feelings build into a desire to become your lover.  What that means to a man is very different than what it means to a woman.

In his quest to become your lover, a man’s feelings will shift toward a desire to impress you.  That sounds nice, right?  Well, it can be nice, or not, depending on how you respond to him.

You see, men have a soft spot underneath the hard emotional exterior.  We may act tough, stubborn, angry, or macho on the outside, but all that is really serving a softer emotional need.  Men cannot thrive in a deep passionate type of relationship unless they feel they have a woman’s admiration and respect.

If your man thinks you like him, but he feels you do not really admire him, the “in love” feelings will quickly fade and often extinguish completely like the wick of a candle that has been snuffed out.
If you snuff out the fire from the wick of a candle, it’s out.   You can warm up to him all you want, but he will feel cold and only respond by blowing little wisps of smoke into your face from the extinguished flame.  Many women have felt this.  Some women have been through it more than once in a marriage.

Men desire admiration in a way that women would find hard to believe.  Testosterone is, as you know, the male sex hormone.  When it is active, he feels manly and alive.  He feels happy.  Did you know a man’s testosterone is affected by the way people treat him?  It’s true.  If you put a man in a position where he is treated like the low man on the totem pole, his testosterone will drop.

After a group of men are thrown together, there is a sorting-out period when a “pecking order” is established.  No one talks about it.  It just happens.  If you watched a video tape of interactions among men after about five days, you would be able to tell who was more of the alpha-male at the top end, and who the people were lower on the pecking order.  If you measured each person’s testosterone before and after grouping them together, those at the bottom would experience a drop in testosterone while those toward the top would experience an increase.

Why does this matter?  Because men will lose interest in anyone that accidentally tromps on their ego.  And there are all kinds of ways this happens without you meaning to do it!  The feeling can come from something as simple as the tone of voice you use when offering a compliment!  To be irresistible to men visit What Men Secretly Want

The Emotion that Kills Passionate Feelings in Men

 James Bauer

Can your husband turn you on when he’s been acting like an absolute jerk all day, hurting your feelings and making you feel small and worthless?  Not unless his behavior changes radically, and even then the chances are rather small.

These days most people realize a woman’s brain is the organ of the body that matters most when it comes to turning on the passion in a relationship.  It’s much less common to find a person who knows the same thing is true about a man.  Yes, men can be interested in sex even when there is emotional tension in the relationship, but I’m talking about the aspects of the relationship that men have to work harder at.  I’m talking about the non-sex parts that make up 95% of the joy and meaning both partners feel in a truly committed relationship.  Relationship issues and emotions do affect that part of passion for men.

That’s right, men need to feel a certain way if you want them to perform.  If you want him to be really deeply engaged in the relationship, you’ve got to pay attention to his mind and emotions.
But which emotions matter most to a man?  It’s not the same stuff that matters the most to a woman.
I’ll tell you the answer.  Before I do, I need to prepare you.  It’s not what you would expect, and you might doubt the importance of it when I tell you.  Remember that men experience relationships differently.  As a result, the issue that matters most to men may strike you as petty or small.
In a relationship, the most important thing that will affect a man’s ability to perform is the level of respect he feels in the attitudes, actions, and words of the people around him. When I say, “perform,” I am referring to emotional openness, willingness to work through problems, true investment in the relationship, and the desire to make you happy above all else.

In my early twenties, there were two women who both expressed an interest in me.  Both of them were very attractive.  Both of these women were very attractive to me.  That’s where the comparison broke down though.  The way they treated me was very different.  They both attempted to use complements to spark conversations and show their interest, but they did so in very different ways.

The first woman (we’ll call her Janet) was sitting at a table with me and eight other acquaintances when she made her approach.  This may seem a bit ridiculous, but remember we were in our early 20s and still basically just kids.  She was giggling a lot (she almost always did) and talking in hushed tones for a few seconds with her close girlfriend sitting beside her before she turned to me and said, “I bet you would look really good with your shirt off.”  She had a silly grin on her face and no shame for her boldness.

The other woman (we’ll call her Nicole) approached me one day as we both exited a building and headed down a sidewalk after a social event.  She walked beside me for a moment, making small talk before changing her tone of voice slightly to a more serious tone.  She said, “I was really impressed with what you said to Bill and Sarah last week.”  She turned her head and looked me in the eye at this point, and continued, “Your wisdom’s going to take you a long way in this world, you know.”

Can you guess which one of these women got my attention?  Was it Janet or Nicole?
The truth is, they both got my attention.  Only one caused me to feel deeply respected.  At the moment I experienced true respect from Nicole, I could suddenly see visions of myself in a long-term relationship with her.  Experiencing the weight of her respect caused me to want to welcome her into my life and promise my heart to her.  I suddenly felt a deep trust for her and the desire to never lose the deep respect she seemed to hold for me.
Sarah got my attention too, but I felt like she saw me as some kind of plaything.  I believe she had a genuine desire to pay a compliment, but I did not feel respected.  I felt she was not respecting “me,” the deeper me, the

As a professional dating coach, there are few things I have to offer women that have a more deep and powerful effect in their lives.  Respect matters to men in ways women just can’t see (without a little training in male psychology).  If you’d like to learn how to implement this concept in your own relationships, visit What Men Secretly Want

Real Self-Confidence in the Dating Scene

Would you like to have real self-confidence?  I’m talking about the kind of confidence that is rooted so deep it is literally unshakable.  I’m talking about the kind of confidence you see in a mother when she needs to protect her infant.  There’s no self-doubt or bashfulness.  Her actions flow from a place of certainty.  Emotions may be present, but they do not run the show.  Her mind remains resolutely focused on the goal.  You can’t pull rank on her and she doesn’t care how big you are or what kind of car you drive.

What if you could have that kind of confidence when you approach the dating scene?  Not the fierce part, but the confident, secure part.  That kind of confidence comes from knowing with certainty what you want.  That kind of certainty comes from having a solid plan and no hesitation to take action when you see the openings you know to look for.

Wouldn’t it feel great?  Wouldn’t you love to have an unshakable sense of purpose, identity and direction when it comes to meeting and interacting with men?  I’d like you to have that confidence and I have a few tips to move you in that direction.

Always start with you.
If you are absolutely sure of what you want, you won’t feel nervous about making relationship decisions.  The more certain you become about what you want in a relationship and a man, the more confidence you will feel about setting boundaries, asking for what you want, or pursuing someone who might or might not reciprocate your interest.

Embrace “Failure”
Letting go of fear becomes easier when you accept “failure” as a valuable strategy. Dorothea Brande has been quoted for her famous statement on the best method to achieve success, “Act as though it is impossible to fail.”  Combine this with the wisdom of T.J. Watson, the president of IBM.  “Would you like the formula for success?” Watson asks. “Double your rate of failure.”

How can you succeed by failing more often?  Many successful people swear by this method.  If you are always cautious and terrified of mistakes, you don’t try much and you don’t learn much.  People who are willing to fail embrace it and lose their fear of taking action in the process.

When it comes to dating…you will fail some of the time.  The only way to be highly confident when dating is to accept failure as a part of the dating process.  Don’t think of setbacks and letdowns as something terrible that needs to be controlled at all costs.  Instead, embrace failure as something natural that is “okay.”  Embracing this simple shift in your belief system can dramatically increase your confidence.

Always Know Your BATNA
BATNA stands for “best alternative to negotiated agreement.”  It’s a concept that has been extremely useful to me in many different areas of my life.  Basically, it’s about forming an unshakable sense of certainty when negotiating for what you want.

I wish it wasn’t the case, but the unfortunate truth is men often need to be told how to behave in relationships.  It’s like we men are kind of wild.  We’re not tame beasts.  We can love passionately, but sometimes we need a woman to compassionately explain what is and what is not okay, and to do so with the kind of certainty and steady gaze that lets us know she’s telling us how it is rather than “discussing emotions.”
Imagine you go to your landlord to complain about the broken stairway railing.  Knowing your BATNA before you start the conversation gives you a tremendous advantage (and boosts your confidence).  Let’s say you have nowhere else to live and know you can’t afford the other rental options in town.  In that case, your best alternative to getting him to agree to fix that railing might be to ignore it for a while.

On the other hand, you may have plenty of options for other rental situations.  In that case, your BATNA is clear.  If, after negotiating for a few minutes, he does not agree to have it fixed on his dime by next Friday, you tell him you are moving out at the end of the month.  Suddenly you have the upper hand in the negotiation.  You can afford to push the issue, because if he doesn’t eventually agree, you can pull out your BATNA.  In this case, your BATNA is to threaten moving out, because you know it really is a better option to you than living with the broken banister.

In relationships, you should negotiate for what you want.  Do so in a way that gives full respect to the other person’s right to walk away from a relationship rather than agree to your terms.  When you know what you want in a relationship, you can talk about it openly.  When you have a BATNA about certain issues (like intimacy, moving in, commitment, or spending time together), you don’t have to agonize about, “What if he gets mad and leaves me.”  Your confidence is high when you already worked out in your mind that you would be better off looking for someone more compatible if he doesn’t agree on certain key issues that matter a lot to you.

Rely more on Attraction than Chasing
Most women have at least some degree of innate understanding of the factors that attract men.  But this article is about SUPER confidence, not mediocre confidence.  Let’s say you’ve realized that your choice of mate is THE MOST IMPORTANT life decision you can make.  Doesn’t that mean you should try to understand your man as deeply as possible?

The problem is that men are mysterious, even to themselves.  They often don’t understand their own emotions and desires.  This makes it rather difficult to know how to maximally attract them while sidestepping the landmines that can obliterate a relationship just when it was getting good.

Confidence comes naturally to those who have a strong sense of certainty.  I want to support you as you develop confidence and the skills to attract quality men into your life.  In this article I’ve given you what I believe to be some of the most universally helpful tips for building confidence for dating. 

But if you really want to take your confidence with men to the next level, spend a few more minutes to learn why the Respect Principle is something your man is deeply affected by, yet unable to put into words.  >>> What Men Secretly Want

Discover the Things Men Find Irresistible in Women

There are some women who are naturally guy magnets but the rest of the women population find it hard to attract the opposite sex. You may think that a beautiful face and body will do the trick of pleasing the opposite sex but it is a fact that although there are men that are only after the physical appearance of women, there are still beautiful women who find it hard to attract men and there are average looking women who attract men like magnets. It is obvious that there are men who are looking for more than just physical looks. If you want to be successful with men, you have to know the things men find irresistible.

So what are the things men find irresistible?

One of the things men find irresistible in women is her sense of humor. Laughter is a reliever to a stressful day or to a tired mind and body. It is also an icebreaker on awkward situations. A woman’s laughter is a sexy sound that most men want to hear. Laughter is contagious making the ambiance lighter and happy. One of the things men find irresistible is a woman’s ability to find humor in everyday situation making everybody’s mood lighter and happy. Who wouldn’t want to be around such woman? Being a worrier or being too serious is a turn off for most men. Men need women who are lighthearted and know how to laugh with others.

A woman’s independence is also one of the things men find irresistible. While it is true that acts of chivalry make a woman’s heart flutter and men want to protect and do things for women, most men are still amazed to see women who are independent. Women who are too dependent on men and too needy can be a great turn off. It is admirable to see women who are self-sufficient and independent. An independent woman has her own life too and knows herself better. She knows what she want and capable of realizing what she want. Of course an independent woman doesn’t have any problem receiving help because we all need a hand from time to time.  Who doesn’t need help once in a while? Being independent is different from being arrogant.

A naturally caring and nurturing woman is one of the things men find irresistible. Women tend to adore men who are caring on children, elderly, to the people around them and even to their pets. Men are the same, they find caring women adorable. Your motherly instinct to care for other people and any living things around you makes men adore you. Seeing your caring nature, a man can feel that he sees a deeper part of you which sets you apart from other women. Men want caring and compassionate women.

The brain is the sexiest part of the human body and so a woman’s intelligence is one of the things men find irresistible. Men admire women who can talk about anything under the sun. A good conversation with a smart woman can be addicting to some men. Who wouldn’t want to be with an educated smart woman? There are even surveys that educated women are more likely to stick with their man, making a more stable relationship. Of course women should know how to differentiate working from dating. Some educated women who are successful in their jobs tend to act as if they are still at work when they are dating which turns men off.

A woman’s hair and legs are two things men find irresistible. It is true that men look for more than just great looks in a woman because a relationship based on physical attraction alone could not withstand the test of time.  But it cannot be denied that men are men and there are physical features of women that they cannot resist. To be able to know men in a deeper level and to get a chance to show your admirable traits, you should first get his attention. Take care of your hair because it is a great tool to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The hair is a person’s crowning glory and it makes women look sexy. When a woman is playing with her hair around her fingers, men read this body language as flirting and this is one indication that the hair have great impact on men. While there are men who find women with short hair attractive, most men find wavy long locks sexy and irresistible because it is more feminine. Most men prefer the natural long wavy shiny hair than those perfectly well-kept styled hair. Aside from a woman’s hair, men also find women’s legs irresistible. Men love legs that look great on skirts, shorts and swimsuits. Take care of your legs including your feet and toes because there is something sexy about them that men find irresistible.

A woman who is passionate about life is irresistible. Women who are passionate about their dreams or their ambition are amazingly attractive. These kind of women usually inspire other people (including men) to do better.  Guys love to see women who are goal driven and motivated to accomplish their dreams. While there are men who could be intimidated by ambitious women, there are men who find them sexy and attractive.  Women who are passionate with their ambition are more likely to attract men who are also passionate about life.

Knowing the things men find irresistible could serve as your guide in achieving success with men. To know more visit Make Him Desire You

Tell Tale Signs He Is Romantically Interested in You

A guy may be crazy about you but he tries to hide it making you feel confused. It is possible that the signs are already there but he is not yet ready to come forward and confess his feelings. Sometimes a woman may get confused if a guy is into her or not especially if he hasn’t mention the three magic words yet. The signs that a man is into you may be right in front of you but you often fail to recognize it. Knowing what he’s thinking and how he feels about you without asking him could erase all the confusion. Although every man is different, there are common signs he is romantically interested in you. So what are the tell-tale signs that a guy is interested in you?

Uncontrollable physical response in your presence. Some men get anxious in the presence of the person they have intense feelings with. Some of the physical manifestations when one is really conscious in the presence of the person they have strong feelings with are stammering, blushing and dilated pupils. If he normally do not have these physical response to other people but they suddenly appear in your presence, then it is clear that he has strong feelings for you. Those uncontrollable physical response are signs he is romantically interested in you.

He stares at you a lot. One of the signs that a man is into you can be seen in his eyes. His eyes can give him away. You often caught him looking at you while you are doing something or when he thinks you are too busy to notice him gazing at you. He immediately look away or do something if you caught him staring at you. The eyes cannot lie and one of the signs he is romantically interested in you can be seen in his eyes.

He constantly inquire about you. You will soon find out that he asks people a lot about you including your friends, neighbors and people who are very close to you. For instance, if you are a church choir member, he would make an effort to know some people in your church to inquire about you. He knows important details about you. He knows your birthday and he even go beyond by finding out special events in your family like anniversaries etc. He reads all the stuffs you posted on Facebook and likes them even those you think most people will ignore but he never misses to like them. If he makes an effort to know more about you, it is one of the signs he is romantically interested in you.

You receive unexpected calls or text messages from him. He send text messages unexpectedly just to say “Hi” that you even wonder why he’s texting you. The next time you know he’s saying that he is out with his friends but it makes you wonder why he’s texting you even if he is out with his friends. This only shows that you are in his mind even if he is in the company of his friends.

He takes your compliments and suggestions to heart. If you happen to compliment his new haircut, he’ll consider to have that hairstyle as long as it pleases you. Even if you unconsciously say something about his weight gain, he will secretly head to the gym and try to shed those excess pounds.  If you suggest that a certain color looks good on him, he will wear that particular color more than any other color. If your compliments and suggestions have that kind of effect on him, those are signs he is romantically interested in you.

He offers a helping hand. If you are preoccupied with a lot of things at school or at work, he often offer help for you to accomplish things on time. He doesn’t mind doing things that are usually considered “women things” just to help you.  You will notice that he enjoys doing things with you even if it caused him to lose some sleep.

Some men need the proper timing to come forward and confess their feelings but if you know how to recognize the signs he is romantically interested in you, you will not get confused and you know where to stand. If you want to magnetically attract men, visit Make Him Desire You

How to Be Irresistibly Attractive to Men

The competition in the dating scene is getting harder as many single women are out there looking for their dream guy but things will be easier if you know how to be irresistibly attractive to men. Knowing what men want and knowing how to attract men will give you an edge in winning the man of your dreams.

So what are the qualities women should possess to be irresistibly attractive to men?

Cheerful. People who are cheerful have positive aura and invite positive vibes and that is what most men need. Men tend to be so serious at work and in other areas of their lives where they are expected to be tough and being around someone who can make them laugh is important. Being cheerful or having a sense of humor to make the situation lighter is very admirable. The ability to cheer him up and create good jokes on everyday situation makes a woman irresistible to men. Men want women who can be there for him to cheer him up. Men need someone who can respond to his jokes and not someone who always act like an audience who needs to be entertained. Men also need to be cheered up from time to time so if you want to be irresistibly attractive to men, learn to be cheerful.

Fashionable. Men admire women who knows how to dress and knows how to groom herself to look good. Learn how to dress and upgrade your wardrobe if they are already out of fashion. Being fashionable does not mean you have to own expensive signature clothes, bags and shoes. Although it is not a sin to own those things, spending beyond your means for the sake of fashion is not practical. Being fashionable is different from being obsessively fashionable. It is a big turn off to spend more of your time and money just to follow the latest trend in fashion. Be fashionable but be practical. It can be admirable to know that you are a woman who knows how to find the best clothes without spending too much. Learn what style and color look good on you. Men admire women who know how to choose the right clothes. The way you dress can be a statement of your personality and how you want to be perceived. For instance, women showing a lot of cleavage and legs could be sending sensual message to men. Choose the right clothes that suits your personality and something that’s comfortable with you and the people around you. To be irresistibly attractive to men, be a good dresser.

Healthy and good body shape. Accept it or not, most men love curves and it is a must to keep a good body shape if you want to be irresistibly attractive to men.  But it doesn’t mean that you have to spend more of your time in the gym than with him in your obsession to get the body that men would die for. Maintaining a healthy weight that allows you to look good on any clothes you want is enough. You do not have to acquire a super model body. Maintaining a good body shape is different from being superficial. It is important to keep a good body shape not only to be irresistibly attractive to men but most importantly, you want to maintain a healthy weight to be healthy.
Passionate. It is great for men to see a woman who is passionate on something; whether it is a hobby or something she’s good at, in helping people, in her job, in her responsibilities as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend or as a citizen, etc.  A woman of that character has a lot of heart to give and that is really admirable. Being passionate on something makes life more meaningful and it inspire most people including men. Being an inspiration makes you irresistibly attractive to men. So be passionate to be irresistibly attractive to men.

Confident. Not all women have self-confidence and if you are a woman who have this admirable trait, you are irresistibly attractive to men. A confident woman is not insecure, she knows her worth and not constantly seeking approval just to feel good about herself. A confident woman is self-reliant and knows how to handle herself. Although she may need help from time to time, she is not a liability but an asset that her man can be proud of. She has skills that she’s good at and she constantly improve herself. To be irresistibly attractive to men, you have to believe in yourself and you must have the self-confidence that not all women have.

Success in the dating scene is not that easy but if you know what men are looking for, it is not as difficult as you think. Of course you have to work on it. To know more on how to attract the man of your dreams visit  Make Him Desire


3 Qualities that Attract Men to Women

For some women attracting men is not that difficult because they naturally have the “it factor” that makes them stand out but many women are experiencing failures in attracting men. Many single women are wondering what really attracts men. It is obvious that beauty alone is not enough as there are beautiful women who are unsuccessful with men and there are average looking women who attract men like magnet. There are qualities that attract men to women and it is important to possess those qualities to achieve success with men.

Initially, men are attracted to the physical appearance of women. Men are usually attracted to thin women or those women who can wear any type of clothes without having to worry about love handles. A good set of teeth, beautiful hair and flawless skin will definitely get a man’s attention. But as the saying goes, beauty is only skin deep. While it is not bad to be physically attractive, relying only on physical beauty to attract men is underestimating men. Although some men could fall to women who has nothing but their beauty, there is a possibility that this kind of attraction is not a lasting one.  Most men are looking for something more than beauty. So what are the qualities that attract men to women?

Communication skills. The ability to effectively communicate says a lot about a woman.  If a woman can carry a great conversation she is definitely a confident and an intelligent woman. She knows herself more, not insecure and knows what she want. To carry a great conversation one must be attentive and know how to use the right words. You should know when to listen and when to talk. Conversation is not all about talking but it also includes listening.  It is not all about you but most importantly show genuine interest on the person you are talking to. A good conversation could start on something you have in common. If a woman wants to keep up with the conversation, she should at least know what most men are interested at like sports, current events, etc. It is not about showing off but it is about conveying a message that you are interested on things that matters to him. Communication skills is not an inborn skill, it can be learned through constant practice so if you are not confident with your conversation skills, go out there and practice. The ability to carry great conversation is one of the qualities that attract men to women. Not all women have the ability to communicate effectively, so if you have it, you are way ahead of other women.

Kindness. Kindness is an inward beauty that makes women even more beautiful outside. A woman who is kind in words and in action is very admirable. Being genuinely kind is one of the qualities that attract men to women. A kind woman is approachable and always wear a smile. A kind woman is not someone who talks ill about other people. She is soft-spoken and respect others. A kind person is sincere and ready to help others. She is considerate of the feelings of other people and do not make other people feel bad about themselves. A kind person is understanding and do not usually nag or get angry on petty things. But of course a kind person is different from a push over or a doormat. Men are usually drawn to kind women.

Sense of humor. A good sense humor is very handy especially when you need to break the ice to make someone comfortable with you. One of the qualities that attract men to women is the ability to make him laugh.  A woman who have the ability to make the situation less serious and takes off the burden to men to lighten up the situation is admirable. Laughter gives good moods and vibes to almost everyone. Make him laugh and he will never forget you.

Success in dating men is not something that can happen overnight. You have to work on it. To know more on how to attract men, visit Make Him Desire You

Little Known Ways to Become an Unforgettable Woman

Most women want a lasting relationship and every relationship starts with dating. Success in dating a guy that could be “the one” is not something that could happen overnight. Dating success is something that needs hard work.  The key to achieve success with men is to be someone unforgettable. Every woman wants to have a lasting impression on men. Every woman wants to become an unforgettable woman.
Although there are women born with natural charm, being unforgettable is not always an innate thing.  So how to become an unforgettable woman? The following tips can be very helpful.

Have fun and be happy. Life is hard enough so getting so serious makes life even harder. Learn to have some fun. It does not mean that you have to be someone who is easy go lucky but it is about learning how to lighten up. Smile and do not act like the wold is on your shoulder even if you are in a bad situation. Your situation will not get better if you keep carrying a heavy heart and frown all day. A woman who knows how to smile and have fun is a good sight that any man would not want to forget. Be a happy person despite the uncertainties of life because happiness is a vibe that you can share with other people. Infect people with your jolly and happy mood. To become an unforgettable woman, do not get so serious all the time, learn to smile and be playful from time to time.

Get your life in order.  A woman whose life is in order is admirable and unforgettable. If your life is not in order it can be hard to become an unforgettable woman. Most men would not bother to think about a woman whose life is a mess and in financial trouble. Get a hold of your life and be an asset than a liability. Life is hard enough that the last person a man would want is a woman who will make his life miserable. It is a fact that life is full of unexpected circumstances and hardships but women who have the determination to get their lives in order are more likely to succeed. A woman who can deal with her problems is truly admirable.

Domestic skills. Men adore women who know how to keep a home and have skills like cooking, keeping the house in order and other domestic skills. Women of today are usually so concern about their physical beauty and keeping a great career that they forgot the basics of keeping an orderly home. A woman who can make a house a home and who can feed a man with enjoyable nutritious meals with her cooking skills is unforgettable. Use your domestic skills to become an unforgettable woman.

Speak kindly and respect others. A woman should not speak ill of any person because a woman who cannot control her tongue is a big turn off. A man wants to be proud of his woman and do not want to get embarrassed by her manners. The way a woman talk tells something about her personality and her heart. A man do not want to be around women who make it a habit to shout, insensitive, speak ill of other people and usually use unfavorable words. A woman should always be soft-spoken, kind and polite. Speak kindly and respect others to become an unforgettable woman.

Know how to hold your tongue and listen. Although all men and women are entitled to speak their minds, it is an admirable trait for a woman to know when to hold her tongue and listen. Being wise is not about talking all the time, a woman who takes time to listen is wiser. Even if you are on the verge of anger, the ability to hold your emotions and hold your tongue from saying things you might regret is really admirable, such woman is unforgettable. Most men do not want to be nagged, there are times that all they need is someone who will just be with them quietly listening. To become an unforgettable woman, know when to be quiet and listen.

Believe in yourself. Of course no one will admire and believe you if you do not admire and believe in yourself. You should be the first one to appreciate your worth. A woman who believes in herself is a confident and self-assured woman. She is not insecure and she carries herself well. A confident woman who believes in herself has her own disposition, know what she wants, know how to carry a good conversation and in total control of her life. Of course believing in yourself is different from being overbearing and selfish. Believing in yourself is knowing that you have worth and a place in this word. You are not a pushover or a doormat but you are a woman who has worth that any man could be proud of.

Know how to compliment him and show interest on things that matters to him. If women love compliments, men need to be praised too. We all want that feeling, the feeling that we are appreciated and we are important. A woman who knows how to compliment and appreciate men is an unforgettable woman.  It also matters to men that a woman is interested on things that are important to them like their professions, hobbies and the people around them. Such woman will stay in a man’s heart and thoughts.

Physical appearance matters. Men are visual and a good physical appearance matters. Women should know how to improve their appearance by focusing on their assets and accepting their flaws. A woman’s physical appearance can be improved by choosing the right clothes, hairstyle and carrying herself well. Proper hygiene is also important. A woman who knows how to take care of herself means she can also take care of her man and that is very admirable.

You do not have to be perfect or extraordinary. Any woman can become an unforgettable woman if she will only focus on her endearing qualities and willing to improve herself to compensate her flaws. To know more about dating and success with men visit Make Him Desire You

Tips to Effectively Flirt With Men

Flirting is an essential part of attracting men but flirting does not mean recklessly throwing yourself to men disregarding respect to oneself. Of course, you do not want to put yourself in an embarrassing flirting situation. A woman can effectively flirt with men and still keep her values, good manners and self-respect. There are creative ways to flirt with men to get his attention without going overboard. Here are some tips.

Body language. Sending subtle body language as a sign that you are interested is one way to effectively flirt with men. The eyes are the most powerful tool in sending non-verbal messages. Establishing a lingering eye contact is one way to convey you are interested and also one way to know if he is interested. If he looks away, it may mean he is not interested or too shy but if he locks the eye contact with you, he might be interested. Another way to convey non-verbal message is through your smile. Smile is a universal language for friendliness so a woman who smiles a lot is making a statement that she is friendly and approachable. Sometimes without knowing, men find a woman’s smile very sexy and attractive.

Find ways to bump with each other.  First, you have to be careful about this for you not to be accused of being a stalker. Find indirect or subtle ways to bump into each other. Find out his interests and where he usually hangs out. If he is an athletic type, a morning jog in the park where he usually jogs could be a great way to be in his path and will give you an opportunity to bump into each other. To effectively flirt with men you need to be with him so it is important to find ways to be in his path to take your opportunity to get noticed.

Have the courage to engage in a small talk. It doesn’t matter if you failed before in engaging on a small conversation, everyone needs to practice to improve the skills of igniting a small talk. With enough experience and practice, you will eventually have the courage to engage in a small talk. The ability to converse is a great tool to effectively flirt with men. Some men are fascinated with women who have the courage to start a conversation which not all women can do. A good sense of humor and the knowledge of stuffs men usually interested with could be very helpful in communicating with men. It is also a good way to start the conversation with something you have in common. Remember, the sexiest part of the human body is the brain. Using your brains and wits to effectively flirt with men could give you an edge. Small talk means small talk, you do not need to tell your life story; you just want his attention for a limited time to ignite his curiosity.  Remember, it is just a small talk so cut it short while he’s interested and gracefully walk away before he gets bored but leave an option that the opportunity in the future to mingle with him again is open.

Compliment him. Women feel good even with the slightest positive comment about their looks, their hair, their dress or the way they carry themselves and it is the same with men. Men also like compliments because it shows that you are interested and you appreciate his effort to look good. One way to get his attention is to compliment him. Of course you have to be sincere with your compliment and it is not just for the sake of flirting. Establish eye contact while you are giving him compliments to show your sincerity.

Learning the art of flirting could be hard at first but eventually you will realize that every woman can learn to effectively flirt with men. Learn how to become a man magnet by visiting Make Him Desire You


Discover What It Takes to Turn into a Guy Magnet

Every woman wants to turn into a guy magnet to be successful with men. A guy magnet is someone who makes heads turn once she entered a crowded room. She is someone girls want to imitate and someone men want to date. It may seem difficult to become a woman who magnetize men but if you know how, it is not as difficult as you think. Forget about your past failures and not so pleasant experiences with men. Now is the time to start anew and turn into a guy magnet. Every woman can be attractive and they need to discover how to turn themselves into someone who can magnetize men.

A guy magnet is not only those women who have beautiful faces and body. Have you seen a woman who is not that beautiful and yet men find her endearing? There is something about her that makes men want to be with her. It is something that goes beyond beauty, it may be called the X factor or magnetic charm. Whatever you want to call it, it is clear that attracting men is not only about physical looks. There are beautiful women who still find themselves unsuccessful with men even with their good looks.

First, you have to know that transforming into a guy magnet does not mean being someone you are not. We all have undiscovered endearing qualities that need to be discovered. Let your best self shine and not be overshadowed by fear, shyness and insecurities. The following tips can be very helpful for you to turn into a guy magnet and increase your chances to be successful with men.

Be a socially rounded person. Social skills can be very helpful if you want to turn into a guy magnet. Men admire women who can carry themselves in social situations. If you are too shy, you need to overcome your shyness. You have to go out of your shell if you want to turn into a guy magnet. The best tool that you can use to hone your social skills is your conversation skills. A woman who knows the art of conversation is a magnet that attracts men. Men are drawn to women who can carry a great conversation. To do this, you have to learn to be an attentive listener. You want to give him the feeling that he is important and appreciated, so do not make the conversation all about you. It can be very helpful to talk about something you have in common to keep the conversation flowing. Politeness, being considerate of others and gratitude are also very important in social situations. When you are introduced to someone, remember his name and use his name often in a conversation. Give sincere compliments to make him feel that his effort to look good is appreciated. A good sense of humor can be very helpful to break the ice. We all want to be with people who are cheerful and happy. Most men find women who can make others laugh and feel comfortable very attractive and sexy.

Communicate non-verbally. To turn into a guy magnet, you also need to learn to communicate without words and this can be done using body language. Smile is a powerful body language to convey that you are friendly and approachable. To magnetize men, they have to get near you. A smile could brighten up one’s day and could invite someone to smile back or approach you. A smiling woman is always a nice and attractive sight. The eyes can also carry non-verbal messages. Establish eye contact during conversation to let him know that you are listening and interested. Simple touches like touching his shoulder or arm while in conversation shows a gentle side of you and can make anyone comfortable with you.

Be confident. A woman who is comfortable with her own skin is an attractive woman. Confidence can be shown in the way you stand, the way you dress, the way you talk and the way you view things. A confident woman has good posture, dress in the way she feels confident with, have positive outlook, sure of herself and love herself. She is not someone who is insecure. Of course, being confident is different from being arrogant. If you want to turn into a guy magnet, you have to believe in yourself and in your worth.

Be presentable. Looks are not everything but you have to take care of your physical appearance and be presentable to turn into a guy magnet. Dress to accentuate your best physical assets. If you have nice legs or nice shoulders, do not hide them. Choose the clothing style that fits your personality and makes you feel more confident. Keep your hair clean and choose the best hair style that fits you. Many women put more attention on their clothes that they forgot to put attention on small details like their nails. Keep your nails clean and properly shaped. Practice good hygiene to avoid unpleasant body odors. Always appear clean and fresh.

To turn into a guy magnet, you have to be the best version of yourself. Everyone needs to improve and if you want to be successful with men, you have to be open for improvement.  To know more about dating and attracting men, visit Make Him Desire You

5 Tips to Become a Lovable Woman

Every woman wants to get the man of their dreams and to be able to do this, one must be loveable to attract the opposite sex. Being lovable seems hard but it is not impossible to be liked and loved by people around you including men. With the right traits and attitude you can become a lovable woman every man wants to be with.  Every woman can be likeable and lovable. The following tips can be very helpful.

Love yourself. Do not expect people to love you when you do not even know how to love yourself. You cannot give something you do not have, so you cannot love others if you do not know how to love yourself. The best person who can love you is yourself. Be good to yourself and love yourself, people love those who know how to love themselves. Of course loving yourself does not mean hurting people just to make yourself stand out. You have to know that loving yourself is different from being selfish or self-centered. To become a lovable woman you must be capable of loving yourself.

Be simple and cute. Physical appearance counts in attracting the opposite sex. To become a lovable woman, you have to be simple and cute. While there are men who likes sophisticated women, there are more men who are drawn to simple and cute women. It can be really hard to keep high maintenance women.  In this very materialistic world, simplicity is a gem that catches the attention of men. Of course being simple is not being easy. Simple women are not high maintenance and yet they value their femininity. They do not just throw themselves to men, they have values and self-respect. A simple woman can also look great. You can be fashionable without expending a fortune. With good sense of fashion and knowing where to buy clothes that fits your budget, you can look great and cute. Wear clothes that fits your shape and your personality. Wear clean shoes. Wear simple make up.  Keep your hair, nails and teeth clean. Practice proper hygiene and always look clean and refreshing.

Be happy.  Being happy is a positive attitude that can give good vibes to other people. No one wants to be around people who are sad. Everybody wants to be happy so we are all drawn to happy people. Although life is not always happy, a positive or cheerful attitude lightens up difficult situations. A woman who can handle difficult situations with a positive and happy attitude is very attractive and lovable. Be happy and you can become a lovable woman.

Be the nicest person that you can be. Being nice is a good trait that attract people including men. Women being delicate and feminine are expected to be nice. It is great to be nice because nice people tend to attract people who are also nice. Treat other people like the way you would treat your best friend or loved ones. Do not gossip, do not insult people, do not pick on them and do not be rude. Women should have those motherly instincts of being nice and caring, so live up to what women should be. To become a loveable woman, you have to be the nicest person that you can be.

Smile. Although life can be cruel sometimes, do not let mishaps and unfortunate things stop you from wearing a great smile. No matter what the situation is, a woman needs to wear a smile if she wants to become a lovable woman. You do not know what a simple smile can do to other people. Someone having a bad day could realize that life is not that bad after all if someone as nice as you took that moment to give him a great smile. A smile is a universal language that could give a message like “Hi, I am a friend”. A person who always wear a smile will always be perceived as a friendly and approachable person. There is nothing more lovable than a woman who is friendly and approachable. So if you want to become a lovable woman, show those beautiful teeth and smile.

It can be a challenge to attract men but with lovable traits, attracting men is not as hard as you think. Learn more on how to captivate a man, visit Make Him Desire You

Become an Adorable Woman

Ever wonder why some women are man magnet and some find it hard to attract men? There are factors that set an adorable woman apart from those who find it hard to magnetize men.  It is not rocket science to become an adorable woman. If you know how, you will realize that it is not as hard as you think to attract men. Attracting the opposite sex is a skill that every woman can learn.
There are certain qualities that men adore and if you have those qualities you will become an adorable woman every man would want to spend his life with.  The following tips can be very helpful if you want to become an adorable woman

Good grooming.  Men may not be fashion gurus but they know what looks good and not. To become an adorable woman, you have to think about your wardrobe to look good. You do not have to wear designer or signature clothes if you cannot afford it but you have to at least go through your wardrobes and upgrade those out of fashion. Clothes that are sexy looking but not too seductive can be very adorable. It is best to wear clothes emphasizing your great features. If you have great shoulders show them or if you have great legs then do not hide them. Of course you have to be comfortable wearing sexy clothes because it is not attractive to see woman so uncomfortable with what they wear.  To fit in those clothes; you have to be in good shape. Yes, you have to get rid of those extra pounds. You do not have to be super sexy but at least be on shape and be happy with your body. Most women are not happy when they have love handles so hit the gym and get rid of them. Know the hairstyle that looks good on your face shape and learn to wear simple make up that fits your personality.  Practice good hygiene and always appear clean and fresh. A woman must always groom properly because men adore women who knows how to take care of themselves.

Take responsibility for your own happiness.  It takes the burden off a man to know that you are a woman who takes responsibility for your own happiness and you will not depend solely on him for all your happiness in life. It is true that men can be a source of fulfillment and happiness in a relationship but you also have responsibilities for your own happiness. You should know what you really want and what makes you happy. Men have an innate need to take care of women but if you are a woman who knows what makes you happy and you are a woman who knows how to stand up for your needs, a man doesn’t have to guess what you really want and doesn’t have to get anxious or worry too much about the complaints and resentment that you might have.  A woman who is in control of her own happiness is very admirable, so to become an adorable woman you have to know how to be responsible for your own happiness.

Be the nicest person that you can be. A soft and nice woman makes men adore her more.  If you are having a bad day or experiencing bad situations, it is not right to be rude or insult people. Try to act normal, put a smile and always be nice. A woman who is in charge of her emotions and cannot be controlled by negative emotions is very admirable. If you want to become an adorable woman, you have to be the nicest person that you can be. Of course being nice is not something that you just do because he is watching, being nice is a virtue that you do because it comes from your heart and you truly want to be nice.

Know your worth and have self-esteem. A woman who is always insecure and doesn’t know her worth is a big turn off.  If your flaws are the reasons for your insecurities, change it if you can but if you cannot then you have to accept your flaws and focus on your positive characteristics and be proud of yourself.  You have to realize your worth, be confident with yourself and love yourself more to be loved by someone.  Self-esteem is an important trait that you must have to become an adorable woman.

Every woman wants to be adored and attract the man of their dreams.  Every woman has the potential to become an adorable woman. To captivate a man, visit Make Him Desire You


Capturing a Man’s Attention- Helpful Tips for Women

Every woman wants a great relationship with a great guy but of course in order for that to happen, you have to make him interested first. The first step to keep a man interested is capturing a man’s attention.  It is like entering a room filled with people and he will see you as the only woman in the room because you captured his attention.

Of course before capturing a man’s attention, you have to set some rules to spare yourself from getting hurt. Rules like a big NO for men who are committed to their girlfriends or who are married. You do not want to have a reputation of being a boyfriend stealer or a home wrecker. Getting involved with a man who just came out of relationship is not a good idea because you do not want to be a rebound girlfriend. Getting romantically involved with a co-worker could work but can be difficult, if you are sure you can still keep a professional relationship after being intimate with him then it may work. Setting those rules before learning to capture a man’s attention can be very important. You have to remember that you always have a choice and you do not have to choose just anyone just to get noticed. You have to make sure the man is eligible and no extra baggage to save yourself from obvious troubles. There are still eligible men out there so you do not have to appear desperate. Capturing a man’s attention is not that hard if you know how, the following tips can be very helpful.

Handle yourself with confidence. A woman who is in control of her life and handles herself with confidence is interesting enough to captivate a man’s attention. Despite her flaws, a confident woman does not dwell on her weakness but on her strength. A woman who thinks she is not beautiful enough to be attractive is not admirable because she lacks confidence. You have to know and believe that being attractive is not only physical, in fact, there are women who are not physically beautiful but confident with their looks and men find them very interesting. Physical looks are only skin deep but a woman’s confidence is one of the keys in capturing a man’s attention. Stop making your physical looks an excuse and stop focusing on your flaws but be proud of yourself and love yourself. By focusing on your positive traits and characteristics, you are making your flaws less noticeable and you are handling yourself very well. By making your own strength shines and by being comfortable with your flaws, you are showing a confident and admirable woman. In a crowd of women, a confident one stands out and will surely get noticed. In capturing a man’s attention, handling yourself with confidence is important.­

Be approachable. Of course, you need to be approachable to get noticed. Most men will hesitate to show interest on women who looks too hard to approach. Wear a smile to look approachable. In capturing a man’s attention, a smile is one of the best tools.  When a guy approached you, do not be a snob but be approachable and hear what he wants to say. You cannot captivate a man’s attention if you will not even give him a chance to say hello and a chance to get heard on what he wants to say. A woman who is friendly will surely get noticed.

Do not try so hard to get noticed. Do not pressure yourself to stand out and get noticed because you might appear so desperate, needy and trying hard. Pressuring yourself will only cause you to act less naturally which may put you in the bad light. Wherever you are, have fun and be yourself. A woman who embraces who she really is and comfortable with her own skin is a pleasure to watch. Sure there is a man out there who will get mesmerized at a sight of a woman simply embracing her true self.  In capturing a man’s attention, do not try so hard but just have fun and be yourself.

Get in shape. Accept it or not, men are more visual than women.  Men love to look at women in good shape. Of course you do not want to get guys who just like women for their figures but getting noticed is the first step in meeting and knowing a guy. Men in general would notice women who are in good shape. Besides, women in good shape also look good in any clothes so it will also make you feel good that you can wear any clothes you want. There is nothing much a woman can do with her height and other physical features but a good figure is something any woman can achieve with determination and discipline. So hit the gym and eat healthy to get in shape. A good shape is beneficial in capturing a man’s attention.

Capturing a man’s attention seems hard but if you know how you will realize it is not that hard. ­Any woman has the potential to be attractive. To captivate the man of your dreams visit  Make Him Desire You

Magnetize the Man of your Dreams

Many single women are still in search of their dream guy, they are active in the dating scene but their dream man is still aloof and nowhere to be found.  Single women who are in this situation often wonder what seems to be the problem; they have an active social life but still failed to find that special someone. The good news is that you can do something to enhance your dating life and magnetize the man of your dreams.

Who would not want to end up with the right guy? Most women if not all want to end up with their dream man. If you want to magnetize the man of your dreams, you need to work for it.  Nothing comes for free but if you put your heart and effort on something you want, success will be very sweet.  The following tips can be very helpful if you want to magnetize the man of your dreams.

Be natural and be yourself. The biggest mistake one could do is to be someone else just to attract the opposite sex. Everyone has endearing qualities, you just have to be yourself and love yourself more to make your endearing qualities shine. It is easier to be yourself than try so hard to be someone you are not. Relax and do not try so hard. The best way to make someone interested is by being natural or by simply being you.  Of course a woman needs to improve or enhance her not so great qualities but you should not lose your core or your true self along the process of improving yourself. Changing for the better is different from changing who you really are.

Believe in yourself. In order to achieve something, you have to be the first one to believe in yourself. If you have no confidence that you can meet and magnetize the man of your dreams, then you might just accept that he will never come into your life ever. There is a saying that what the mind can conceive, you can achieve. A woman who believes in herself and who value her worth is sexy and attractive

Be confident. Women who are confident with their looks, their skills, values and their heart are interesting. Of course being confident is different from overbearing. Being confident is accepting your flaws. Being confident is making your endearing qualities shine that your flaws are almost unrecognizable. A self-confident woman is in control of her life and not controlled by situations and circumstances in her life and that is very admirable. Have you seen women who are not so physically beautiful but oozing with confidence and in control of their lives? They appear so cool and confident that they make men so curious and interested. Contrary to what most people believe, beauty is not just physical, a woman’s character and confidence weighs a lot when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. Your confidence plays an important role if you want to magnetize the man of your dreams.

Smile a lot.  Smiling makes you look great, friendly and approachable. Everybody wants to be with someone who is happy than someone who frowns a lot.   A smile is a non-verbal language that attracts people. Men may think twice approaching a woman who doesn’t smile and this may blow away your chance of meeting the right guy. To magnetize the man of your dreams, you have to give him a chance to approach you. As the saying goes, smile and the world will smile at you.

Be a challenge.  Men love challenges and attracted to women who are a challenge. This does not mean playing hard to get but you have to put value to yourself and not appear too easy. Let him do the job of pursuing you because it is a man’s job. You may not be taken seriously if you just offer yourself and pursue him. Ignite his interest and give him the challenge of getting you.

Attracting men is not rocket science. If you know what to do, it is not that hard to meet and magnetize the man of your dreams especially if you have guides to follow. Discover how to become an adorable woman, visit Make Him Desire You

Date the Right Kind of Guy- A Guide in Choosing the Right Guy to Date

Are you tired of just dating anyone and now you want to date the right kind of guy? Some women have the pattern of attracting and dating the wrong guys or been with the kind of guys that aren’t right for them that their relationships often do not last.  Dating the wrong guys and not getting the kind of relationship you deserve could be frustrating and tiring. Here are some tips to help you choose and date the right kind of guy.

Know what you really want. Of course to be able to date the right kind of guy, you have to know what you want and what type of guy is right for you. Most women want a man who is tall, dark, handsome, successful or financially stable and someone who has a sense of commitment.  But you also have to be realistic with what you want. We all have our own flaws and nobody is perfect so do not expect to find a man with all those perfect qualities but figure out what is right for you. We all have our preferences but to be realistic, there are ideal qualities we are looking for that we have to give up in place of qualities more essential in creating a long lasting relationship. Think if good looks is more important to you than someone with a sense of commitment and responsibilities. To date the right kind of guy, you have to figure out what you really want and the kind of person you what to be with for the rest of your life. If you can figure out what kind of guy you want to attract and date, you can create a picture in your mind of the right kind of guy for you.

Sharing the same passion. To be able to find and date the right kind of guy, you have to examine yourself first and know what you are passionate about. We are often drawn to people who have the same passion as ours because we can easily talk and connect with them. Isn’t it great to date someone who shares the same passion as yours? What you are passionate about? What activities you love to spend time with? What type of people do you want to hang out with? What places do you usually visit or dream about visiting? Knowing what you are passionate about is important if you want to find and date the right kind of guy. Imagine how life would be if you are with a man who cannot understand  the things you are passionate about. You might end up doing things alone because your man do not want to do the things you are passionate about or do not want to be with the kind of people you want to hang out. Thus, sharing the same passion is important in choosing a man you want to date.

Understand and accept who you really are. We are living in a diverse environment and people have different set of values based on how they were raised. It would be nice to go out with someone who understands and accepts you for who you really are and you do not have to pretend to be who you thought you needed to be in order to be accepted. He does not have to agree on everything you believe in but he should have the ability to understand and accept you for who you really are.
You do not have to find a guy who is exactly the same as you but it would be nice to find a guy who has many things in common with you and your differences are not something that will pull the relationship down, instead those differences will enrich the relationship.  If you already know what type of guy is right for you, you will know where to find him. He could be on the places where he loves to hang-out doing the things he loves to do.

Learn more on how to attract and date the right kind of guy, visit  Make Him Desire You


Know the Traits of Women That Attract Men

Some women attract men like magnet but if you look at them, you will wonder why. They are not the kind of beauties that will turn heads but men find them irresistibly attractive. Why? Because they have the qualities most men are looking for. Isn’t it exciting to know what most men are looking for in a girl and achieve success in dating men? Discover the traits of women that attract men.

Most men are attracted to women who are not easy to get. Men love challenges and they like women who are a challenge. Being a challenge does not mean playing tricks or games with men but it means sticking with the norm that men usually do the first move and pursue women. Most men lose interest on women who are too aggressive and pursue men, unless they are just looking for a one night stand. One of the traits of women that attract men is that they let men be men and do their job, they let them do all the job of pursuing the girl. If you want men to value, respect and admire you then you have to respect and put value on yourself first. You have to believe that you deserve to be pursued.

Confidence is also one of the traits of women that attract men. If you admire men who are confident, can carry themselves well and in control of their emotions and decisions; it is the same with men, they like women with confidence. Of course being confident is different from being arrogant which men find intimidating. Confident women are sure of themselves and confident on what they do. Men find these qualities really attractive. Most men find it hard to enjoy with women who are so insecure and do not know their worth. For some women, confidence is not something that naturally comes out of them but remember that being confident is something that can be learned. At first, it can be helpful to fake it but eventually you will learn to act confidently. Confidence can be a great asset that can help you become a very attractive woman.

Another one on the list of traits of women that attract men is having a sense of humor. Of all the things that men like about women, making him laugh is probably one of the best traits men find really likeable. Men find women who have the sense of humor to make them laugh really attractive. Women who are not always uptight and can loosen up to make some jokes, make the environment livelier and funny are admirable. Laughter is a great thing to be shared with someone and if you generously share your laughter with a man, he will definitely find it very sexy and attractive.

A woman who handles her life properly attracts men. It is given that life is hard and we sometimes make bad choices and decisions but despite of all we’ve experienced, we have to of course, handle our lives properly. Why do you think most men are dating and looking for traits they want in women? They are not dating just to play but they are looking for someone they want to grow old with and men like women whose lives are in order. A woman who is always in a mess, have too much drama and have difficulties making her life in order could find it really difficult to succeed in the dating game. If your life is so chaotic, how can you make a room for another person in your life? It is best to put your life in order first before starting to date.  One of the traits of women that attract men is the ability to handle their lives well and in control of their situation.

A woman who minds about here looks and her health attracts men. One of the traits of women that attract men is that they mind about their looks and their health. Don’t you feel good when you look good and in good shape? It is the same with men; they feel good when they see women who are pleasant to look at and in good shape. Besides, being in good shape and looking good will not only make you attractive, it is also good for your overall health. A woman who can take care of herself physically says a lot of her character. If you cannot take care of your body, how can you take care of another person in your life? It is admirable to see women who take time to look good and maintain a good shape. You do not have to be sexy and beautiful like those of celebrities or supermodels but you should know when something is wrong that you need to trim down or lose those extra pounds and you should know how to make yourself look pleasant.

Attracting men is a skill that can be learned and every woman has a potential to be irresistible. Attract men like magnet visit Make Him Desire You

Become an Irresistible Woman- What Women Should Know

Ever wonder why there are women who are simply irresistible? They do not possess an exceptionally beautiful face and body but men find them irresistible. Maybe you are thinking why she always have a date and you are spending weekend nights at home and killing time reading books or watching TV. Every woman has the potential to become an irresistible woman and the following tips can be very helpful to achieve success with men.

Men find lighthearted women irresistible. Women are usually too serious and worry too much over so many things. Women are too emotional that their emotions tend to control their actions especially during rough times. Being overly emotional or too serious freaks men out and drive them away. Men are drawn to women who can control their emotions and lighthearted. Of course you need to take life seriously but being too serious makes life really heavy and men find too serious women difficult to be with. To become an irresistible woman, do not lose that lightheartedness even though life is hard and full of challenges.

Keep your youthfulness. Keeping your youthfulness does not mean you have to look young every time but keeping your youthfulness is an attitude. Physical aging is a natural process of human beings and we cannot stop the hand of time but who says we cannot grow old gracefully?  Do not lose that child in you and that innocence because men find those traits irresistible and by keeping those traits you are more likely to appear younger than your age. Women tend to look older than their age because in the society we live in, women are so burned out and stressed with everyday life.  Despite of all the things around you, keep your youthfulness. Be young at heart to become an irresistible woman.

Maintain your outer beauty. While inner beauty is more important than outer beauty, it does not mean you do not have to appear physically beautiful. Being a female, it is your responsibility to always look pleasant. You do not have to look like a super model because most men are not looking for that kind of beauty, you just have to present yourself well and be feminine. Wear clothes that fit your personality, practice proper hygiene, keep your nails clean, maintain a good posture and watch your weight or maintain a good shape. Most men want women with long hair but some women can get away with a short hair so find out which hairstyle really fits you and looks good on you. You do not have to wear heavy make up, it is nicer to wear light natural make-up to make you appear sweet and easy to get along with. Inner beauty is important but you must keep a balance and to become an irresistible woman, you should know how to maintain your outer beauty.

Learn how to cook. It is an old saying that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. People get close to each other while sharing good meals together. I read about a wise father telling his son how he will know if she’s the one, and the father advised the son that he will know she’s the one if he feels comfortable cooking and sharing a meal with her.  And how can you make this scenario happen if you do not know how to cook? It is easier to express how much you care for someone through your cooking and men find women who are caring irresistibly attractive. To become an irresistible woman, use your cooking skills.

Smile. Women who smile a lot are always attractive. Smile is a universal language and if a woman smiles a lot, it tells a lot about her personality. There is something attractive about a smile and people who smile a lot draw people towards them. Smiles give a hint that you are friendly and nice. Make it a habit to smile and think about happy thoughts to make you smile more. If you are a person who rarely smile, faking it at first can be a good practice and eventually it will become a habit and will come out naturally. To become an irresistible woman, smile.

The mind is the sexiest part of the body that men admire most. It is a fact that men crave for sexy women but being sexy does not always mean having an hourglass shape figure. The sexiest part of the human body is the mind. Men find smart and witty women irresistible. If you are physically sexy and beautiful but you cannot keep a good conversation with a guy, he will eventually lose interest on you. If you crave for a well garnished food that looks delicious and you found out later that it is not really delicious but you were just deceived by its beautiful appearance, will you crave for that food again? Looks is important to get noticed but the main attraction is what you are made of. Smart women are way more attractive than those who cannot hold a good conversation with a guy. Keep learning, reading and acquiring new skills to become an irresistible woman and to become a better version of you.

Attracting men is a skill that can learned and it is not as hard as you think, learn how to attract men like magnet visit Become A Guy Magnet

Tips for Getting a Guy to Pay Attention to You

Dating has become really challenging and there are women who find themselves dateless and a failure in attracting the opposite sex.  Of course women with active dating life have better chances of meeting the man of their dreams but getting into the dating game is not easy for some women. Are you one of those women struggling to get into the dating scene? Getting noticed or getting a guy to pay attention to you is the first step to get into the dating scene. Here are some tips to get his attention.

Pleasing physical appearance. Although great looks is not the most important factor in attracting men, it cannot be denied that physical appearance plays an important role in getting a guy to pay attention to you. It can be upsetting to think that men are into blonde, sexy women with big breasts because not so many women can fit into that category.  Movies and glossy magazines should be blamed for this kind of thinking that men want only women who fit into that category. The best you can do is do not fall into that kind of mindset because many average looking women have found great men even though they did not fit into that blonde, sexy women category. Men have different preferences of beauty. To some men, being lean or slim is beautiful but to some being voluptuous or curvy is beautiful. Some prefer short women and some prefer tall women.  So there are men who prefer the physical attributes you have and you do not have to fit into that category of blonde, sexy women.  In getting a guy to pay attention to you, what you need is a pleasing physical appearance.  A pleasing appearance is someone who knows proper hygiene, knows the best hair style that suits her, choose clothes that enhance her physical assets and downplay her flaws, refined or feminine and someone who is comfortable with her looks.

Appreciate the stuffs or things he associates himself to. Men are usually identified through the things or stuffs they like or obsessed with. Some men are into sports, toys, cars, computers, gadgets etc. Sometimes they treat their stuffs more important than their women. One way of getting a guy to pay attention to you is to appreciate and show interest on his stuffs.  Of course it is important to show genuine interest and not just for the sake of getting his attention.

Develop a hobby or interest on something. Have you notice how women with skills and talent could make men in awe?  In getting a guy to pay attention to you, there must be something that you can say you are good at like cooking, sketching, playing a musical instrument, photography, etc.  It is good to develop hobbies and special skills not only in getting a guy to pay attention to you but in improving your personality.

Of course it is not good to appear so trying hard to get his attention.  Do not be too aggressive because you may get the wrong attention. Learn new things and at the same time work on improving the attractive qualities you already have. Nothing is more attractive than a woman who is comfortable and happy with her self.  Meet and attract the man of your dreams visit Make Him Desire You

Finding and Attracting Your Dream Man- What Women Should Know

Every woman wants to find their dream man and have the kind of relationship they’ve always wanted. As we all know, finding and attracting your dream man is a real challenge and it is not something that could happen in a snap.  Are you one of those women who believe that your prince will just drop in front of you  and sweep you off your feet and ask you to be his princess? If you are just waiting for love to find you, chances are; you will keep waiting and opportunities will pass you by.  Although love is something you cannot impose or dictate on someone, you can do something to find and meet the man of your dreams.  With the right planning and techniques, meeting and attracting the man of your dreams is not as hard as you think.  The following tips can be very helpful in designing your plan of finding and attracting your dream man.

Avoid negativity. One hindrance in finding and attracting your dream man is the thinking that you will never find the man of your dreams. If you are on your 30s, you will hear people around you saying that your chances of meeting your life partner are getting smaller and smaller. Instead of getting depressed, stop listening to negative people and avoid getting affected by those negative vibes.  Choose to be positive and avoid negativity.

To find your dream man, you have to seek. Many people will tell you that love will find you and you will find love when you are not looking for it.  But in today’s generation where a lot of single people are out there looking for their Mr. Right, can you just wait and not do anything about it? In life, if you want something, you have to work for it. For instance, if you want a job, you will contact a recruiter and prepare your resume.  You cannot find a job if you will not seek and do something about it. Seek if you want to find the man of your dreams. Finding and attracting your dream man can be really difficult if you will just sit at home or spend time with people you normally go out with.  In the olden days, life is so much simpler and dating is much less complicated. Men and women got married at very young age and there seemed to be someone for everyone. Today, things have changed. Dating or connecting with someone can be really challenging as people are too busy working and attending to the daily challenges of life.  If you will not do something to meet new people, you will end up waiting all your life for a prince who may never come. Expand your network of friends and go out to meet new people.  Seek and you will find.

Stop thinking that physical appearance is the main attraction women have. One hindrance that could prevent you from finding and attracting your dream man is the thinking that only beautiful women are entitled to meet their dream man. Most average looking women are discouraged that they will not find the man of their dreams because they have this mind set that a Prince Charming prefers a woman as beautiful as a princess. Most women think that men are looking for pretty blonde with sexy body and big breasts but do you think a respectable man would like to be with someone whose only selling point is her physical appearance? Of course, men are looking for qualities far greater than physical unless he is just looking for someone good for just a one night stand.  There are beautiful women who are not successful with men because they lack the important qualities men are looking for.

Finding and attracting your dream man is not as hard as you think.  Discover how to attract men like magnet visit Find the Man of Your Dreams

How to Ask a Girl Out Via Text

Many guys struggle with this when it comes to texting and dating – Asking a girl out via text.
By now, a lot of you have had experience asking out a girl in person. However, asking a girl out via text is much easier and much more low pressure.

The ultimate goal in texting is to always meet up with the girl you’re interested in. The way that you invite a girl out shows how comfortable you are with yourself and comfortable around women. Remember, through your texts, you should be portraying that you’re a high-status man and that asking someone out is no big deal.

Planting the Seed for Meeting Up:
One of the best ways to make any hangout or date low-key is to “plant the seed” of a hang out before an invite is ever offered. By texting her in this way, you’re able to gauge how much intrigue you’ve created in her.

For example… Instead of texting a girl “what are you doing Thursday?” or “We should hang out Thursday,” you can simply imply or “plant the seed” of a hang-out on Thursday night. A better example of “planting the seed” would be “Do you like long islands, laughing your face off, and great company?”

You want to make any implied plans seem so fun that she would be crazy to not say yes.

Invite Her to Something You’re Already Doing:

If the girl that you’re interested is in her late teens and 20s, odds are she’s being hounded by guys to hang out on a one-on-one basis. To a lot of girls, this screams “trouble.” However, you can cut through a lot of objections to getting more hangouts by simply making plans with friends, and then inviting her (and her fun friends) to meet up with you guys.

Keep in mind that even though you’re an awesome guy that does fun things in his life, just because you two exchanged numbers doesn’t mean that she ever has to hang out with you. There’s no social contract that says you have to hang out with every person that has your phone number.

So, when you do send the invite, you want to do it in a fun way, and you want to imply that you’re doing a fun activity with your friends whether she goes or not. This way, even if she flakes, you still have your friends there and you’re still gonna have a fun time.

Your best bet is to phrase your invite along the lines of this:
“Hey there, sugar lips, I’m gonna be going to (activity) with some friends tonight, if you promise not to embarrass me, you can come and bring a couple friends :)”
Simple, fun, and non-committal.
If you want more examples of how to get more hangouts, check out Race’s new book “Text That Girl!” today!

Get Her number? Get the Date!


Text That Girl- Why Has She Stopped Responding and How to Get Her to Respond

You did the groundwork and you got her number, you sent her an awesome first text that captured her attention and engaged her emotions, and now you’ve been texting on-and-off for a few days now…
All of a sudden, you send her a text…
You send another…
You wait for hours…
Still nothing.
Frustrating, isn’t it?
I’ve been there!
It happens to the best of us.
Now, the important thing to remember if and when this happens is to not take it personally. So many guys will confront a girl, hounding her for an explanation. Others will internalize it all and blame themselves. However, there could be literally hundreds of reasons why she hasn’t responded:
  • She’s busy at work
  • Her phone is dead
  • She had a family emergency
  • She literally forgot to text back
Of course, there are also a couple major reasons she did not text you back:
  1. You texted too much, too soon:It goes without saying, but sometimes we get so excited about getting a cute girl’s number that we, without realizing it, over-text them. In the early stages of the interaction, remember – less is more. Your goal of the early interactions is to engage her emotions, create attraction, and get her out on a date.The mindset here to adopt is – send it and forget it. Literally set your phone down if you are too tempted to immediately respond. By immediately responding to her messages, you subconsciously give off the vibe that you are sitting around waiting for her messages. Nothing kills attraction faster than being over eager.
  2. Your texts were too generic and didn’t engage her emotions:Have you ever sent a funny or insightful text, only to get a response of “lol” or “k”? Remember how frustrating it was? As a text master, you will never send these bland, generic texts again. Generic texts will never engage her at her emotional core. Remember – women are emotional creatures, so it is on you to spark her emotions early and often.
  3. She lost interest in you:This is really a combination of one and two, if you are texting too much, too soon or sending generic one-word texts that don’t engage her emotions, eventually she will lose interest and it will be back to square one…
However, there’s no need to worry. You can immediately fix these issues by doing the following things:
  • Be bold in your texts
  • Make sure to mirror her response time and length of text when responding
  • Be more descriptive with your language to engage her emotions
  • Put your phone down and go do something else after you text her
  • Don’t over think things. It’s only been an hour – don’t drive yourself crazy waiting for a response.
Of course, there are several great ways to re-engage and recapture a woman’s attention that you can find into specifically in Race’s book “Text That Girl!

Not Getting Responses To Your Texts?

Text That Girl- Sending the First Text

If you want to meet, attract, and date more women then you need to learn how to flirt with women.  The best way to do this is learn a few good flirting techniques and then to go out and practice them.  In this article I will give you a five step process for creating that fun, flirtatious vibe that women are most attracted to.

1.  Get playful
The first characteristic that you want to display to a woman is that you’re playful.  This is because women hate getting stuck talking to nervous, cautious, and boring guys.    As soon as you demonstrate to a woman that you are fun guy… she will put her guard down and begin opening up to you more.

2.  Tease her
A great way to flirt with a woman is to tease her.  As you’re talking to her look for an opportunity to make fun of something she is doing.  Don’t be mean or cruel, you’re just looking to ‘bust her balls’ about something silly she has done or said.

3.  Use physical teases
After you’ve used verbal teasing to let her know you’re flirting with her, you can then begin to physically tease her.  Physical teases include making an exaggerated expression as she is telling a story, sticking your tongue out at her, or pulling your hand away when she goes to give you high five.
If these sound childish.. they are meant to.  The best examples of flirting are the sort of things you used to do back on the playground in the fourth grade.

4.  Keep her guessing
Women love the suspense of not knowing exactly how you feel about them.  Once you come right out and tell a girl you like her, the sexual tension that was building between the two of  you begins to die down.  This is why it is always better to never quite let her know where she stands with you.  This idea of push/pull is a powerful technique when flirting with a woman.

5.  Escalate the flirtation
Once you’ve established yourself as a fun, flirty type of guy, you must begin taking the conversation to a more sexual level.  This is because you don’t want to come across as the “funny friend” or “the flirt”… instead, you want her to begin seeing you as a guy she would like to get intimate with.  The best way to do this is become more physical.  This means you do things like hold her hand, hold eye contact longer, and get closer to her.

>>>Check out Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy and learn how to instantly generate attraction through the way you talk to women.
